Sunday, November 29, 2009

Team Dale Thanksgiving

Can't believe Thanksgiving has already come and gone...we had a great time down south visiting the Dale's. Here are a few pictures. Julian and Lilly all decked out for company.
Lucy waiting for the drumstick. you have enough mashed potatoes...gobble, gobble.
Getting ready for the big 'football game'...Team Dale vs Team Hoffman...guess who won?
Thank you for a fun filled time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of school 2009

First day of 'first grade' for Julian,Aug 21, 2009.

Ver proud of the belt...just like Daddy's.
Meg's first day of 'kindergarten' 2009.
The whole family...

Michael and the boys.

Ready or not, here he comes.
...the four boys...

Ready for donuts???

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tate's third birthday

Tate's third birthday was Saturday...Happy Birthday, dear Tate, happy birthday to you.

And these are a few pictures from the past couple of months.

Just kicking back and enjoying the lazy days of summer just like his great grandmother, grandmother, and mother...perfectly happy just watching the fish in the pond.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ready for the 4th of July.

Is it Christmas yet?

Since it was a 3 day wkend...I did some sewing. Here is a little something I just finished.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hugs and kisses

Also made this table topper to go along with the the wall hanging...this one has white rick rack and if you look closely, every other square has a quilted heart...

Finished my Valentine's Wall hanging

Since I know a certain someone that 'loves Valentine's'...figured I needed to finish my wall hanging. It turned out pretty cute...cream rick rack and a little 'bling' to make it sparkle.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Valentine's is coming soon

Yes, it was an early morning for me, so I started working on Valentine's...hugs and kisses.

Count down to a birthday

Since I might only get one placemat done in time, which bowl would Miss Flussy Dussy prefer?